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Without sensors, the Internet of Things will move towards “hollowing out”

Author:QINSUN Released in:2024-02 Click:74

The consensus in today's IoT industry is that "sensing takes the lead in the world of IoT". The Internet of Things mainly consists of four parts: perception layer, network layer, support layer, and application layer. Perception is the leading technology of the Internet of Things, and the stable operation of the Internet of Things relies on the support of numerous perception technologies, among which one of the key technologies is sensors.

As the tentacles of the Internet of Things, sensors play a crucial role in today's information age and have penetrated into various industries and fields such as industrial production, environmental protection, and biotechnology.

As an infrastructure for the Internet of Things, sensor deployment has been proposed by a country for many years, aiming to promote the annual use of 1 trillion sensors in social infrastructure and public services. It is expected to embed 100 trillion sensors in various places after 2030.

It is not an exaggeration to say that sensors can have as much potential as the market for the future Internet of Things.

In June 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a commercial license for 5G, and the arrival of 5G pushed the Internet of Things to a "hot spot". The 2017-2018 Annual Report on the Development of China's Internet of Things shows that in 2017, China's IoT market has entered a substantial development stage, with a market size exceeding 1 trillion yuan for the whole year. It is expected that in 2021, China's IoT platform expenditure will rank first.

With the increasing demand for the Internet of Things, China's sensor industry is showing a high-speed growth trend. According to statistics, it is expected that China's sensor market will increase to 593.7 billion yuan by 2021, and the annual compound growth rate of China's sensor industry in the next five years is about 30%, far higher than the average level.

In the era of the Internet of Things, China has built the NB IoT network, forming an active market for IoT applications. However, at the same time, China needs to make breakthroughs in the field of IoT sensors.

Without sensors, cloud computing and big data will be difficult to cook without rice, the Internet of Things will move towards hollowing out, and real economies such as intelligent manufacturing will become castles in the air. All of this requires sensors with better performance as support, which poses a challenge to the development of China's sensor industry.

"At present, what our country lacks is sensitive sensors. Overall, domestically produced sensor products are still mainly in the middle and low end, with relatively backward technological levels. The proportion of imported sensors in the Chinese market is 80%, and there is a serious shortage of digital, intelligent, and miniaturized products." Peng Hongbing, Deputy Director of the Electronic Information Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, once said.

Therefore, it is urgent to promote the localization of high and medium end sensors. Firstly, domestic sensor enterprises should start from themselves, increase investment in core high-tech innovation, continue to leverage their inherent advantages in domestic market applications, channels, services, prices, industrial ecosystems, and other fields, and promote market-oriented applications. This is the key point for the development of domestic sensors.

Secondly, the country should actively create a fair and transparent business environment, and encourage the application side to comply with market value laws when purchasing sensors. For example, it should be prohibited to specify the use of imported products in bidding. Once again, we will open up channels for the industrialization of scientific research achievements, actively, objectively, meticulously, and continuously accumulate domestic and foreign core sensor industry technologies, promote standardization and industry cooperation, and assist in the development of the Chinese sensor industry.

I believe that with the joint capabilities of the country and enterprises, China's sensor industry will usher in a new development situation, and future development is expected. According to industry research analysts from Xinsijie, sensors play a fundamental and core role in the Internet of Things industry, with great market potential in the future. During the 14th Five Year Plan period, China will still introduce more incentive policies to promote the development of the industry, and the industry has a good development prospect.

Sensors: With the continuous development of technology and the Internet of Things, sensors have penetrated into every aspect of our lives and production, playing an important role in social and economic development. Nowadays is an era of interconnected everything, and sensors will also usher in good development opportunities. But at this moment, we still need to continuously improve our innovation and creativity capabilities, and overall enhance the level of sensor research and development in our country.

