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Your location: Home > Related Articles > With a success rate of up to 90%, new technologies are helping offshore exploration to be completed ahead of schedule

With a success rate of up to 90%, new technologies are helping offshore exploration to be completed ahead of schedule

Author:QINSUN Released in:2024-03 Click:70

When it comes to China's speed, high-speed rail is believed to be one of the representative achievements. China's high-speed rail has developed rapidly and has a certain representativeness worldwide. To this day, there are still many high-speed railway lines being laid in China, and even from the results, it is not an exaggeration to say that our railway construction crosses mountains, rivers, and seas. And behind the high-speed rail galloping on the land of China, lies the continuous support of countless technological achievements.

At present, China is constructing the Hangzhou Bay Cross Sea Bridge on the Tongsu Jiayong Railway, which is expected to be the world's longest, with the highest design standards and a speed of 350 kilometers per hour. On the afternoon of April 13th, the project achieved a breakthrough and completed offshore exploration work two and a half months ahead of schedule, entering the preliminary design work of the bridge ahead of schedule.

Marine exploration refers to the exploration and exploration of the marine conditions, coastal geological conditions, and marine environment through various means and methods. It is of great significance for the design, planning, and construction of bridges in the later stage. The natural environment of the Hangzhou Bay Cross Sea Bridge on the Tongsu Jiayong Railway is harsh, and the difficulty and importance of exploration are relatively greater.

During the exploration process, drilling is a difficult and low success rate, yet very important task. The purpose of drilling is to sample and analyze the stratigraphic profile of the seabed, which is beneficial for better understanding the ocean situation. In the construction process of the Hangzhou Bay Cross Sea Bridge on the Tongsu Jiayong Railway, due to the wind speed in the sea area reaching 39 meters/second, wave height reaching 6.87 meters, maximum tidal range of nearly 9 meters, maximum flow velocity reaching 4.72 meters/second, and a thickness of 20 to 40 meters of marine silt layer on the seabed, as well as the influence of shallow gas (data source: Science and Technology Daily), the drilling work has become even more difficult.

According to relevant analysis, if conventional drilling techniques are used, the success rate of a single drilling may only be 60%. However, the emergence of a new technology has successfully changed this result. It is reported that the geological exploration team used an innovative "needle shaped hard alloy rib drilling technology" in the offshore exploration of the Hangzhou Bay Cross Sea Bridge on the Tongsu Jiayong Railway. This technology not only increased the success rate of one drilling from 60% to over 90%, but also saved the working hours of each drilling hole, helping to complete the offshore exploration work of the Hangzhou Bay Cross Sea Bridge on the Tongsu Jiayong Railway ahead of schedule, Further saving exploration costs. At the same time, this also provides important basis for the progress of related projects in the future.

Editor's comment: The Tongsu Jiayong High Speed Railway is a high-speed railway in China that connects Nantong and Suzhou cities in Jiangsu Province with Jiaxing and Ningbo cities in Zhejiang Province. It is one of the main channels in the "Eight Verticals and Eight Horizontals" plan. From the perspective of economic construction, due to the railway connecting the main urban clusters in the Yangtze River Delta, it is of great significance for the transportation and economic development between cities.

At the same time, length, speed, and geographical environment also bring many constraints to railway construction. How to overcome difficulties, break through difficulties in railway construction and design has become one of the key factors for its successful promotion. The emergence of needle shaped hard alloy rib drilling technology has not only provided assistance for pre construction offshore exploration, but more importantly, it has also provided experience for subsequent construction work. I believe that with the continuous progress of the construction process, we will witness the birth of railways in the future and see more new technologies. Both technology and achievements will be a source of pride for China's development path.

