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Three directions of force, anti drone assistance to solve the problem of black flying

Author:QINSUN Released in:2024-02 Click:70

As the saying goes, too much is too late, and the extreme will bring the opposite. In recent years, although the rapid growth of the civilian drone market is gratifying, the increasingly severe phenomenon of drone black flying has also laid hidden dangers for development. Currently, it is not uncommon for drones to disrupt navigation, harm people, and secretly take photos, which has caused a negative social impact. In the future, only by strengthening the supervision and governance of drones can we curb the further spread of security crises and ensure the mature development of the drone industry.

So, how to strengthen governance? In addition to legal regulations and other means, there are also technical means. The emergence of the anti drone industry has provided important support for the safe application and stable development of drones. The so-called anti drone refers to using detection or countermeasures to prevent and deal with black flying drones. At present, there are more than 140 anti drone related enterprises in China, and anti drone products and market size are also experiencing rapid growth.

However, although the development of China's anti drone industry has begun to take shape and the situation is good, many people may not yet know how anti drones are used to control black flying? Today, let's take a look together.

Governance measure one: violent destruction

In fact, the main idea of anti drone governance against black flying is to make black flying drones unable to move, and the simple and crude way to make them unable to move is to destroy them. Based on this approach, the industry has extended four anti drone methods, one of which is conventional firepower strike; The second is laser weapon strikes; The third is microwave weapon strike; The fourth is drone interception.

The specific operation steps of the first three methods are basically the same, with the difference being the weapons used during the strike. Conventional firepower strike refers to the use of missiles, shells, etc. for interception and destruction, which is currently a commonly used method in the military field. The use of laser weapons can further improve the accuracy of strikes, while microwave weapons can enhance the intensity of strikes, and the selection is mainly based on the needs of the strike.

The so-called drone interception refers to allowing drones to carry strike weapons, intercept and destroy target drones in the air, or directly use drones to collide and destroy target drones, or catch them by pulling a net. In short, this method of striking and destroying drones is different from the first three types of weapon strikes because it is more flexible, convenient, and easy to operate.

Governance measure two: technological blockade

To make the Black Flying Drone lose its mobility, in addition to violent destruction, one can also start from the principle of drone operation and use technical means to interfere or block the control of the drone, thereby forcing it to land or deviate from the route. There are three main ways to extend this approach, one of which is to interfere with satellite navigation; The second is interference with radio frequency communication; The third is to interfere with the stability of the gyroscope.

We know that satellite navigation is the foundation for unmanned aerial vehicles to obtain position information, precise positioning, and flight. If we use electronic technology to interfere or intercept the satellite navigation signals of unmanned aerial vehicles, it can make them unable to locate or deviate from the course, thereby blocking the normal flight of unmanned aerial vehicles. Previously, Australia's "anti drone electromagnetic gun" was based on this principle.

And interference with RF communication and gyroscope stability is also the same. RF communication is the link between the drone and the control platform directly, and the gyroscope device is the key to maintaining the drone's own balance. Whether we use electronic technology to cut off drone communication signals or use sound wave interference to disrupt drone balance, it can cause drones to lose their ability to fly normally.

Governance Measures Three: Control and Seize

Of course, in addition to violent destruction and technological blockade, a more advanced and better way to control black flying drones is to find ways to seize or influence the control and decision-making of the target drone. The governance methods born from this mainly adopt technological deception, including three forms of deception, one of which is optical deception; The second is electronic deception; The third is online deception.

Optical deception and electronic deception are mainly used in military battlefields. The former principle is to use laser to illuminate one's own false targets, conceal the truth and show the falsehood, deceive enemy drones, make wrong decisions under the influence of false signals, and then wait for the opportunity to attack or control the enemy. The latter principle is to use electronic false signals to confuse the other party and influence their decisions.

Online deception is more universal. The specific method is to carry out network attacks on the drone control system by implanting Trojan viruses or installing backdoor programs, and to send false instructions through the command center to control and take over the target drone. This governance method requires extremely high technical requirements, but the results obtained after application are slightly better than other methods.

