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The key technology behind intelligent buildings: ubiquitous network connectivity

Author:QINSUN Released in:2024-03 Click:66

With the development of new technologies and the increasing possibilities, smart buildings are increasingly becoming the focus of discussion about the future of the workplace. However, sometimes we overlook the human aspect of this issue, namely the role that smart buildings play in creating positive and personalized experiences for those working internally. In truly interactive and resilient smart buildings, these experiences have the potential to completely change our perception of the building environment and workplace.

Flexibility and personalization

For example, we have seen the emergence of building functions such as wayfinding, spatial scheduling systems, and mobile credential based access control. All of these systems enable buildings to provide a high level of user flexibility and agility, as well as personalized settings required to have ownership of shared spaces during use.

These more tightly connected buildings can also utilize location-based services and complex arrays of behavior and movement data to understand how to use space in real-time. This not only enables occupants to identify underutilized space, but also encourages users to engage in wiser user led office design, reflecting the actual way work is completed and ensuring employee productivity, comfort, and support.

The technology behind superior experiences

However, these experiences do not occur separately, and we cannot discuss these services and features without paying attention to the foundational support technologies. The key is connectivity. When we use wired connections, even Wi Fi, it is natural that in today's buildings, as the workspaces we build continue to evolve, we cannot ignore its important role.

In fact, universal connectivity remains an important prerequisite for achieving various aspects of the smart building vision. This includes not only the connectivity we have already anticipated, but also factors such as introducing mobile 4G and upcoming 5G connectivity into buildings.

If we are to successfully use technology to establish eye-catching new standards for the building environment and generate a new work culture within the organization, creating this reliable and powerful connectivity backbone is crucial. For example, 5G networks will play a crucial role in achieving the full benefits of IoT devices and systems.

Connectivity Challenge

However, creating this level of long-term connection is not an easy task. Even traditional ICT infrastructure involving wired and Wi Fi connections itself is a huge challenge.

The process of deploying all physical infrastructure, access points, and support systems is a daunting task - not to mention specifying and connecting tens of thousands of devices that may depend on these networks.

The increase in mobile connectivity poses higher demands on this challenge, but it is an important obstacle that must be overcome, as today's enterprises prioritize it when planning and decorating work areas.

If seamless access to 4G services is not possible and a 5G future verification plan is formulated, the connectivity experience of employees and visitors will be severely compromised. When companies invest heavily in implementing these experiences, the next thing they need to focus on is connectivity issues, otherwise it will disrupt the entire process.

Sustainable development issues

Similarly, only when the connectivity framework is in place can smart buildings have enormous potential and bring huge benefits. Another area of sustainability is also the potential. The opportunity to save a lot of energy and improve the sustainability of building environments is touted as one of the main benefits of digital buildings. However, this potential has not yet been fully realized.

If you have only heard the hype about the benefits of the Internet of Things, as well as the significant increase in the types of sensors and other endpoint devices added to the ecosystem, you may think that everything is progressing smoothly. But the existence of these endpoint devices is only a part of it. Unless the connected devices have the necessary infrastructure and support for long-term operation, customers will not be able to obtain the expected returns from their large investment in smart buildings.

For example, deploying some scattered IoT sensors cannot provide the unified services and coordination needed to improve building efficiency. Only after establishing a connection framework can these functions truly execute as expected.

Realizing sustainable development

We need to aim to merge different IP networks to create an integrated building service network, which is the backbone of modern digital architecture. Only the network can provide a platform to manage and monitor the equipment required for building various aspects, expand the ecosystem, and subsequently enable the collected result data to support complex performance and service monitoring tools.

You need to have a complete "technology" stack to achieve the meaningful benefits of sustainable practices that business owners and facility managers want - energy conservation, health, and well-being.

Moreover, this is not just about mastering the basic elements. In addition to installation, building operators must also address long-term operational challenges.

What happens when an accident occurs or equipment malfunctions? Literally, who do you want to call? Building networks involve a wide range of technologies and systems, and building managers often rely on a large number of professional contractors to isolate and handle each system.

However, this isolated approach is mature for communication problems that cause errors or unexpected errors. When everything is built on a central platform, to truly utilize the opportunities provided, you do need engineers to understand the overall situation and how each system adapts to and interacts with it.

The value of connecting frameworks

Once a connected infrastructure is established, the benefits to both the enterprise and its employees are enormous. Taking one of our clients, Soci é t é G é n é rale, as an example, their new connectivity framework now enables businesses to profoundly change their working methods.

People using buildings can now manage and personalize their entire experience through enterprise applications. This application allows employees and visitors to view buildings, libraries, and more; And learn about the new news from Societe Generale in France, such as queuing for meals, ordering meals, and so on.

In addition, the connectivity infrastructure also supports services such as touch screen kiosks located on each floor to assist in finding directions and even allow users to locate colleagues to ensure close collaboration on any specific task.

Although the main focus is on enhancing the experience of employees in the office, the essence of today's reality means that more and more workers are always working remotely. After entering the conference room, the audio-visual equipment used for video conferencing and wireless sharing ensures that people who are not working in the office will not miss any important matters.

This is just an example of how intelligent deployment of the right connectivity infrastructure can be achieved. If you add the fact that the cost of "one desk" for a business can reach up to £ 15000 per year, it means that more efficient use of space will also bring hard financial benefits - in the example of French social banking mentioned above, the annual operational cost savings are nearly £ 500000.

The benefits of ubiquitous connectivity and its impact on business are indeed overwhelming.

