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New wearable devices allow wearers to understand language through vibration

Author:QINSUN Released in:2023-12 Click:101

For the past year or so, a student team at Eindhoven University of Technology has been researching a wearable device that allows people to understand the content of another language through arm vibrations. Although it would be great if everyone spoke the same language, there are actually thousands of different languages being used in the world today.

Although you can spend a lot of time learning to communicate in a non-native language, in many cases, technology can help bridge this gap - from online translation services to smartphone applications to specialized devices.

The 17 students who formed the University of Eindhoven's Hart team have been studying another method of understanding foreign languages over the past 12 months - using vibration.

The system includes a computer that can currently convert written text into English, but the team is working to incorporate artificial intelligence so that the device can translate speech in any language and find a way to embed the technology into clothing.

Students have developed a vibration language based on 39 different sounds in English, each of which is assigned a unique vibration. Then, the system uses this database to drive motors embedded in the fabric sleeves worn by users to form words or sentences.

Unfortunately, this means that users need to learn vibration dictionaries before they can feel this new communication tool, but Lisa Overdest, an industrial engineering student who leads the Hart team, said she has mastered this through a month of learning (one hour training every two days). After the computer system is completed, it will be able to perform the heavy work of translating from the original text or speech.

If students can successfully have the system translate speech in real-time, it may not only provide wearers with a non-invasive way to understand non-native speakers, but the team also believes that the system is particularly useful for deaf mute people. Instead of relying on visual communication methods such as lip language or sign language, a person will be able to feel what they are saying. In addition, it allows deaf users to communicate with almost everyone, regardless of whether they understand sign language or not.

The future goals of the team include creating new types of senses or enhancing existing senses, or developing an online platform for downloading such things, or providing new ways to interact with technology.

"Now we only use our fingertips to control our phones," said Maria Turchina, founder of the Hart team. "Imagine using other parts of your body to more easily receive information, such as through vibrations on your skin. The possibilities are endless."

The team's wearable device prototype will be showcased to students on Friday, November 26th. The work on this project is still ongoing.

