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Introducing biometric technology into security screening scenarios to meet efficient and accurate customs clearance requirements

Author:QINSUN Released in:2024-03 Click:80

Airport security check is to prevent passengers from carrying dangerous goods, such as explosive, flammable, corrosive materials, ammunition, and firearms, to ensure the personal and property safety of aircraft and passengers. The introduction of cutting-edge technology has provided new choices for the safety of public transportation places such as airports, ground drops, and high-speed trains.

Security checks generally go through three procedures, namely "whether the person's ID is integrated", "whether your belongings are safe", and "whether your luggage is safe". With the development of science and technology, airport security technology is also constantly advancing, and more new technologies have been applied to improve security efficiency and ensure accuracy.

The biometric system will accurately determine the identity of passengers, ensuring the validity of the boarding passenger's identity by comparing the passenger information collected by security checks and boarding gates. Violations such as impersonation and forgery of documents will have nowhere to hide, greatly improving the safety of civil aviation transportation. From this perspective, as passenger volume continues to grow, biometric technology will increasingly become a better solution for airlines and airports to automate identity checks.

Of course, with the continuous maturity of artificial intelligence technologies such as deep learning, the accuracy of biometric technology has significantly increased, greatly expanding its commercial application scope. At present, the development of artificial intelligence technology represented by deep learning algorithms provides computational and analytical support for biometric recognition, and the massive amount of high-quality biometric data also provides resources for training deep neural networks. Compared to traditional algorithms, deep learning greatly improves recognition rates in the fields of images and speech.

At the same time, with the continuous emergence and landing of new technologies in the biometric market, biometric scenarios are becoming more diverse, and product services are becoming more customized. Multimodal biometric technology will be widely applied, and system security will be improved; The integration of technologies such as 5G, cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence with biometric technology for industrial upgrading will further promote digital and intelligent development.

At present, countries around the world are also accelerating the promotion of biometric identity cards, which will store biometric and personal information inside. In addition to existing big data, blockchain, and the Internet of Things, the application areas will cover multiple public transportation scenarios such as airports, stations, and subways. In the future, no matter where you go, you will no longer need to present your identity documents and only need to pass through the biometric area to enter, which greatly improves the efficiency of customs clearance.

The biometric market in China has a relatively low market share. However, as one of the countries with rapid economic development, China's biometric market will continue to grow rapidly in the future. According to market research agencies, the market size of China's biometric industry is expected to reach 93.05 billion yuan by 2025, with a compound annual growth rate of 18.5%.

From the current geographical layout of the identification technology industry, the listed companies in the industry are mostly distributed in the eastern coastal areas. Among them, the listed companies of biometric technology and intelligent electronic recognition devices are mainly distributed in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai, with a large number of enterprises distributed in Guangdong Province.

In China, Beijing Capital Airport has applied biometric technology to airport work since 2009. At present, biometric technology has been introduced into security inspection work at Taoyuan Airport in Taiwan, China, Lukou Airport in Nanjing, Bao'an Airport in Shenzhen, Yinchuan Airport and Baiyun Airport in Guangzhou. The number of airports using biometric technology is rapidly increasing, showing a trend of blowout.

At the end of August this year, Shenzhen Airport, in collaboration with China Airlines, Tencent, and Huawei, was the first in China to launch a smart boarding gate search service, making it a national airport that uses facial biometric recognition+AI intelligent technology to search for passengers. After the launch of this service, Shenzhen Airport can accurately search and locate each boarding passenger, actively assist airlines in accurately grasping passenger location and other information. At present, this function has been successfully launched, which can effectively retrieve some passengers who have been screened but have not boarded the plane (i.e. "travelers").

It is worth mentioning that with the continuous popularization of biometric technology, privacy issues have also attracted widespread attention. The risk of data leakage in biometric systems can cause people a certain degree of anxiety, thereby affecting their acceptance and trust in biometric systems. In the process of conducting business, relevant biometric service providers should pay special attention to the protection of user personal privacy, and strive to achieve new breakthroughs and improvements in product intelligence and security.

