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How to deploy AI in central cities to protect public safety?

Author:QINSUN Released in:2024-03 Click:89

The threat situation we are facing today has been constantly changing. Within the scope, the challenges faced by law enforcement agencies remain incredibly immense, as they face increasing levels of threat and intense political, social, and economic uncertainty.

This is a serious challenge that requires thoughtful, proactive, and dynamic response. It is obvious that new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) can greatly improve the efficiency of today's physical and network security systems, and help us better defend against various threats.

Finding balance

Specifically, to make physical security systems effective, they must receive full public support. The airport style environment where security checkpoint processes are implemented is both time-consuming and annoying, sometimes even feeling like they have not achieved significant benefits. The unbearable fortress like environment is likely to quickly lose public support, and the public hopes that their daily lives can be free from the delays or obstacles of cumbersome security checkpoints and processes.

However, after a large-scale security threat or attack occurs, we often tend to use these more open systems, and this reliable record of deterrence and investigation often fuels these systems. Having these massive and cumbersome public security systems can reassure people and enhance their sense of security.

But what if we can instill this sense of security without a terrifying public system? What if today's physical security systems can achieve seamless personnel flow while creating a secure environment, and all these activities are conducted secretly without interfering with people's lifestyles? This is exactly what some new physical security applications that combine AI can achieve.

AI Security Solutions: How? Where is it?

Nowadays, security solutions driven by AI technology are being developed and can be secretly deployed in various physical environments to protect our citizens. These new AI driver technologies take various forms, depending on the location they are intended to protect.

AI/computer vision technology is enhancing video management and monitoring systems (commonly referred to as VMS systems) to identify objects. These enhanced VMS systems can be deployed inside and outside buildings to identify and mark various public places, such as schools, hospitals, sports fields, activity areas, and transportation hubs. It can identify and immediately identify identified threat objects or suspicious behaviors for further on-site security investigation.

In addition, targeted magnetic field and radar sensor technologies are hidden in daily items such as flower pots or walls, and now individuals and luggage entering buildings can be scanned to find hidden threat objects. By combining AI/machine learning, these two sensor solutions can identify the metal content on the human body and bags, and match it with the catalog of threatening items, such as knives with metal shrapnel and dangerous goods.

Without such advanced multi-sensor solutions, it is almost impossible to discover weapons on attackers before they discover them in their hands. This multi-sensor solution allows for non-contact and barrier free access to buildings, but can immediately notify on-site security when hidden threats are detected. Therefore, this hidden technology allows security personnel to intercept threats before they evolve into broader attacks, while also maintaining public privacy and civil liberties, unless they carry hidden weapons or pose a personal threat.

Unlike many large fixed detection security systems, AI driven solutions can proactively assist in on-site security, effectively protecting the public without causing large-scale blockages and damage.

Protecting fragile targets

Strengthening facilities to resist physical attacks and threats, as well as maintaining and operating large fixed detection equipment, may be very expensive. This may also lead to threats shifting towards "fragile" and less secure targets, such as schools, music venues, and places of worship, which are all active attack sites we have seen in the past decade.

We have seen the destruction of communities and the consequences of these attacks around the world. For example, in the United States, in February 2018, a 19-year-old gunman walked into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida and opened fire, killing 17 students and faculty members.

Making these vulnerable public gathering places safer is a priority. But we cannot turn them into fortresses in this way. The security industry, the public sector, and national and local governments must collaborate to deploy technology centric intelligent systems to not only protect lives but also preserve a way of life.

Integrated systems and behavior detection

One of the major advantages of using AI technology is the ability to integrate this intelligent software into smarter and safer communities and cities. Essentially, this means developing a layered system that connects multiple sensors to detect visible and invisible threats.

An integrated system means that threats can be detected and tracked, and on-site and law enforcement agencies can be notified faster before an attack occurs. In many ways, it is equivalent to becoming a more intelligent neighborhood monitoring program through the use of AI. Using technology in this way means seamless and rapid screening of thousands of people without infringing on their civil liberties or privacy.

Intelligent systems can not only detect knives, guns, etc., but also train them to detect behavior and potential intangible biological threats, such as the virus threats we face in today's world. This does not mean conducting a summary analysis of individuals. Instead, using AI deployed on existing video surveillance systems or thermal imaging systems, it seeks indicators that can recognize physical discomfort and interference, elevated body temperature, indicate viral fever, or lack masks that meet health and safety requirements.

After integration, these solutions can provide new information for on-site security, thereby better protecting the attributes they serve. By utilizing these intelligent, non-invasive technologies, today's security personnel now have the ability to detect various threats.

This is the future of public safety and security, and as cities around the world strive to create smart and safer communities, we should expect to see the popularization of these new technologies in the coming years.

human factor

Although technology can have a significant impact on existing security systems, positioning it as the ultimate goal is all wrong, and all of this is to prevent future attacks. Technology is only a part of the solution. We also need well-trained security personnel; Individuals who know how to use new technologies and the data they provide, and then make wise decisions on how to engage in potential negative actors or threats.

Properly trained security personnel can not only prevent attacks from occurring, but the additional insights provided by these intelligent systems may interrupt attackers during the planning and gradual execution stages, even before introducing weapons. In addition to preventing attacks, this also has many benefits. This means that the authorities can help these people (some of whom may have mental health issues) obtain the help they need from professional healthcare professionals. By collaborating with local authorities and healthcare professionals, potential attackers can obtain the necessary support from eliminating radical measures to professional consultation, thereby helping them recover into healthy and productive members of society.

Artificial intelligence creates safer communities

Artificial intelligence can detect visible or invisible threats or behavioral abnormalities, which will have enormous value for many sectors of our economy. However, perhaps for educational institutions, that's all. In the past few years, we have seen many violent attacks. Specifically, the application of AI for detecting abnormal behavior activities can be used to identify potential active shooter attacks, and even identify students who may be discouraged. We see these tragedies happening every week around the world.

One thing is clear: cross industry collaboration and the application of integrated intelligent AI technology put data and ultimate control in the hands of people, which is crucial for making our community live safer.

