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How can virtual reality promote a better medical experience?

Author:QINSUN Released in:2024-01 Click:98

Virtual reality (VR), which enhances immersive experiences, has evolved from a buzzword to a mainstream business field. It is widely used in various business fields, such as labor training, 3D simulation to improve work efficiency, etc. In the medical field, VR technology has become widely known as a potential diagnostic tool and can provide comprehensive immersive 3D simulations to treat various diseases such as autism, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and severe pain. Surgeons are using this technology to plan surgical procedures. Medical professionals can not only benefit from VR, but also reassure patients as they can visit virtual models of their bodies.

Virtual reality can provide convenience for surgeons and medical experts to operate

Virtual reality technology closely related to augmented reality (AR) can be effectively applied to surgical navigation and robotic surgery. They can help surgeons work faster and more accurately, and eliminate potential human errors during the surgical process. AR and VR also provide them with more accurate information and visual effects, helping medical professionals make decisions faster and more accurately.

The application of VR and AR in healthcare is feasible in medical education. By using realistic surgical simulators, medical students can better prepare actual patients for surgery by providing realistic surgical situations.

Medical practices influenced by VR technology

As virtual reality continues to reach a new level in the medical field, it is changing the way medical education and practice have been conducted for many years. It is likely an ideal tool for training hands-on practice. Surgery and other interventional procedures are the main areas of VR application. By utilizing this technology, medical professionals can demonstrate to patients what happens during their surgical process. They can even explain each step of the operation clearly by guiding them step by step to complete the process.

Virtual reality medical software is an increasingly common method for cultivating various types of medical students. A study shows that it provides convenience for medical students practicing surgical procedures, with a 29% increase in surgical speed, a 6-fold decrease in error rate, a 9-fold increase in likelihood of significant skill improvement, and a significant improvement in hand eye coordination ability.

Using VR to Improve Patient Experience

Virtual reality and augmented reality have a large number of patient-oriented use cases, such as pain management, treatment, and patient care improved by reducing fear. For example, the developer of scalable therapeutic VR, AppledVR's Cedars Sinai Medical Center, has implemented VR technology in its surgical and orthopedic centers. The medical center has also launched a pilot study of a Samsung device aimed at reducing the pressure on hospitalized patients. The purpose of this pilot program is to test VR scenarios with patients to determine whether they enjoy virtual reality experiences while waiting for the program or even throughout the entire hospitalization period to alleviate pain.

VR technology is rapidly developing through the healthcare industry, and it is expected to reach $2.4 billion by 2026. Although virtual reality technology is relatively new in this field, the potential of VR in patient life and doctor work is increasing. In addition, more and more companies are offering virtual reality solutions to train surgeons and hone their skills.

